Our Low Cost Gasifiers and Agrivoltaics Can Achieve sub-2 Cents per kWhe

Gasifiers are biomass power plants for electric power as well as a plethora of valuable goods such as heat and biochar.

The vast majority of gasifiers are made of steel and relatively expensive to build and operate, but by using novel, proprietary cement-construction, tar-utilization, and thermal control, we can drastically cut costs that normally plague gasifiers in terms of management and lifespan.

Such low power plant prices synergized with onsite cooling ponds (see below) allow us to push greenhouse net profits to over 4x profits over typical systems. Low cost electricity also allows for onsite tenants and partnership to utilize biorefinery outputs.

In terms of credibility for such low cost gasifiers, the link shows precedence of using formwork cements, which is extremely cost effective vs steel:

Refractory Cement Gasifer

And here, we see even conventional gasifiers can achieve about 2 cents per kwh by selling even just one byproduct - biochar:

What if Electricity from Wood Costs Two-Euro Cents / kWh and Produces High Quality Charcoal?

Frugal Minimalist Tech

Instead of expensive downstream clean up processes, we regeneratively use all of our waste stream into revenue-producing, nontoxic products - most of which is contstruction grade materials for such partners as Rizome Bamboo or our own 40 year lifespan bamboo-greenhouses!

As for emissions, the carcinogenic residues are re-fired to elemental carbon and hydrogen in our proprietary thermal-catalytic converters to achieve virtually zero emissions. The CO2 is recycled into greenhouses and biomass ponds.

The result is cheap, decentralized power and resources for the people which allows advantages across business and all areas of life including AI tech (onsite, cheaper computational power for knowledge-advantage).

Further below, you can learn about our agrivoltaics that help support such low cost, revolutionary yields.

Symbiotic Cooling for Massive Gains.

So while the biogasifier can produce cheap energy, our greenhouses still need immense cooling. And the biomass crop-fields still need to be replenished with fertilizer. To be truly regenerative, we need 2 in 1 solution - a large pond with cooling water that also grows biofertilizer. It turns out azolla or water-fern ponds fit that bill precisely.

It, with biochar, can produce 25 ha worth of biofertilizing compost per ha. To provide the shade it needs to grow picture, we place solar panels right above the biofertilizer pond to make double use of the space.

But besides agrivoltaic space-savings, the ferns and solar panels also help each other with cooling and oxygenation. Below the surface, we have aquaculture potential and an extra geothermal heat sink for the greenhouse and solar panels.

The solar panels also gain profit by using the same space as the azolla as well as being cooled and cleaned by the pond water. Furthermore we use special solar panels and innovative mounting for additional proprietary cost-efficiency gains.

Other Benefits: The azolla, when combined with our propriety nanobubbled water, we can eliminate any proximal farmland’s cow-methane by 100% and improve livestock health and yields by 20%.

Technology is Only the Beginning

Power plants are the heart of our world - pumping resources globally. When the heart is accessible and free, our world can be as well. And when our basic needs are cared for we can work on the generational traumas and settle into relaxed third spaces of dialogue to workout backlogs of emotional and somatic work.

With enriching programs that share that abundant worlds and experiences are possible, we shift our world paradigms into a balance between transcendent inner worlds of intution and heart with safety and thriving, healthy survival.


Azolla Cooling Pond