
We are putting HCT Supplements made by the founder David Chen on suggested donations basis to support Solquatica. HCT removes heavy metals and improves health in a way that is essential in modern times. Because it removes heavy metals and heals the body down to a mitochondrial level, it is so powerful that the difference in taking it and not taking it could be compared to the contrast between a moderate smoker and a nonsmoker.

If used as a complementary healthcare protocol, it could be a powerful ally to medical treatments. Below we see a pic of the pill releasing H2 microbubbles for hydrogen-water as well as enriched modified citrus pectin which are both known to reduce cancers, heart disease, and inflammation.


Hydrogen (H2) gas is perhaps the most potent supplement in the world - as an unparalleled super-antioxidant, anti-inflammatory/cancer, cell-revitalizer, recovery/wound healer, and more with the the least side effects (none) and cost. Because H2 is so tiny, it accesses deeper into the body to stop oxidative-stress and activate crucial healing-signalers within mitochondrial, nuclear, and neural membranes. Results can be drastically less stress, dis-ease, and overall body-burdens, and I believe the antioxidative depth could extend one's life by 5 years.

We then combine these tiny titans with gentle, yet powerful heavy metal removers (chelators) because even supposedly "safe" levels of heavy metals in our bodies can still create chronic, long term issues. And they are absolutely pervasive - countering many of our healthiest food choices ie fish/tuna (mercury), chocolate (cadmium/lead), sweet potato/taro (arsenic), and most herbs used for soul food!

Our Unique Technology

Current machines or bubbling-tablets try to dissolve H2 into drinking-water but only achieve 2 ppm or .5 mg H2 per glass of water as most of it off-gasses. HCT delivers an astonishing 32 ppm or 8.3 mg H2 equivalence per dose by providing H2 precursors for high production directly inside the body. This is 5 times better than our closest H2-water competitors who are 50% more expensive and do not even have heavy metal chelation!

The byproduct, magnesium chloride and hydroxide, helps H2 increase alkalinity in the body which have been researched to also increases O2 levels especially for the elderly; we balance all this with calcium and vit C, D, K2. Most people are short on these essential and powerful synergistic nutrients. And we further add in heavy metal removers, turmeric, iron, and zinc.

As for chelation, studies have shown an 80% reduction of heavy metals in 3 months under therapeutic dosages without the severe side effects and expense of conventional EDTA/DMPS. HCT is all natural - derived from seaweed, magnesium, and fruit peels. 

Antioxidants, Anti-Inflammation, and Beyond

Inflammation is caused continuously from oxidative stress partly (via reactive oxygen and nitrogen species) not just from metabolism but modern heavy metals and other pollutants (ie nanoplastics, 5G/Wifi). These free radicals worsen many issues related to aging, cancer, heart, leaky gut, cortisol/stress, immune issues, neurodegeneratives, and various other diseases. H2 is an incredible counter to such modern burdens. It even heals down to an epigenetic/stem cell level.

With chelation to help, drastic improvements via H2 could be seen along with decreased pain/discomfort - ie improved effectiveness and side effects of chemo/radiotherapy - even inhibiting the tumors/pre-tumors themselves directly (e.g. anti-angiogenesis). Blood alkalinity and oxygenation have also been shown to improve; all these and more exciting benefits are still being explored.

Remyelination and Re-Lining

Boundaries! The modern world seems set to undermine even our intercellular boundaries with glyphosate/pesticides, pollution, and heavy metals which cause not only leaky gut but the destruction of cells including neural linings (demyelination) that help us think clearer, and thus, hold emotional boundaries as well.

Hydrogen and chelation halts the destruction of such boundaries and even assist stem cells to rebuild.

COVID/Flu Restoration

All causes deaths have drastically increased since COVID and vaccines arrived on the scene. Some data suggest their correlation to chronic inflammations/damage of vascular systems (even with flu). H2 counters the inflammatory damage for greater longevity of life of our loved ones in these mysterious times.

What to Expect: Within days or weeks of use, stress levels, health, and general vitality may markedly improve as well as decreased pain. Especially when megadosing or combined with superfoods/calorie restriction, some sensitive or ill people have experienced significant improvements in the areas of clearer thinking, reduction/disappearance of disease, healing/recovery, and/or greater relaxation within weeks. Use HCT as a self-love reminder to be with nature, superfoods, and kind presence/connection. Blood alkalinity, cortisol, inflammatory markers, and heavy metal levels should show measurable before/after improvements by lab tests and is encouraged along with detailed journaling to let us know.

Dosage: Usually the max is 6 pills/day but with careful planning, if “Line B” HCT 8 capsules are taken a day, up to 75% of heavy metals could be removed in 3 months without side effects. 1-2 capsules a day slowly reduces the heavy metals over a year's time. Take with food OR chew-open (with water in mouth) before swallowing to release contents. With 5-8 caps per day, consult with nutritionist or doctor especially before taking additional magnesium supplements as it will already be maximally supplied. HCT will also increase your vitamin D levels by 2000 iu to 4000 iu (4 to 8 pills respectively).

Disclaimer: All statements are the maker's optimistic or unique interpretation of studies and intuition. This is for sovereign beings to decide their own path or ask open minded doctors to use as complementary medicine.

HCT cannot promise to cure or treat anything. Only the FDA makes such assurances by which we are not approved by. Hydrogen is a friendly, evolutionarily endogenous molecule and does not have a upper limit of dose achievable by capsules. No other known issues or drug contradictions are known to maker. The ingredients are optimally balanced for long term human health.

Ingredients: modified citrus pectin - 340 mg, calcium citrate - 250 mg, Vit (C - 45 mg, D - 500 iu, K2 - 2 mg), magnesium metal - 40 mg, curcumin - 30 mg, ferrous gluconate 15 mg, zinc gluconate - 13.3 mg, selenomethionine - 5 mg, piperine - 2.5 mg

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq stomach acid) = MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) + heat


Your donation helps support research into hydrogen and oxygen technologies for energy, crop boosting, soil restoration, authentic relating, and eco-philanthropic community development. 


1.Hydrogen Benefits and Anti-Inflammation




1.13 mg daily cut bodily inflammation in half; HCT > 8 mg (2 pills)


Dr. Mercola H2 Reviews 


Histology Rats


Efficacy With H2 Mg Metal Oral Capsules


2. Stress and Hormonal Improvements




3. Heavy Metal Removal and General Oxidative Damage

Heavy Metals:



Mg2+ helps displace heavy metals


H2 helps glutathione 









Iron (reduces HM absorption)







Cellular Phone Radiation: 


4. H2's Anti-Cancer Properties and Palliative Effects on Chemotherapy 


5. Epigenetic Benefits of H2


6. Blood Alkalinity Improvements and Benefits



7.  Stem Cell Promotion
