HCT: A Heavy Metal Remover and H2 Super-Antioxidant in Pill Form
Foreword by Founder: We are putting HCT Supplements made by me for sale as much as possible in order to raise money for Solquatica; if anyone really needs a sliding scale, reach out to me. HCT removes heavy metals and improves health in a way that is essential in modern times in David’s opinion.
It is my personal belief that taking these HCT capsules every day could improve your healthy-lifespan*, mood, overall health by at least 15%+. Did you know that even average heavy metals levels in most people is equal to moderate smoking can double cardiovascular disease and strokes? Would you compromise the health of yourself or your loved ones or allow them to smoke unwittingly? Remove them gently with without expensive, harsh $5,000 ETDA clinics and re-heal your body with hydrogen water in pill form!
Think of modified citrus pectin as sticky fruit jam that is cut up in small pieces to go into your
Hydrogen is a super antioxidant and cell signaler that has been implicated to help with reducing inflammations, increasing blood akalinity/O2, geriatric/neural health as well as recent studies showing how it significantly diminishes cancers - potentiating chemo/radiotherapies and reducing their side-effects/damage. And it is tiny which means that it can pass into and improve mitochondrial function - the core of our health and longevity.
Take 2 pills a day for upkeep, 4 for therapeutic, and up to 8 for intensive therapeutic. Do not take magnesium supplements for therapeutic to intensive protocols. Vitamin D will be up to 4000 IU for intensive and 2000 iu for therapeutic dose, so adjust your vitamin D intake accordingly. Consult with doctor or registered dietician if in doubt.
In the photo, you can see clearly how it releases hydrogen microbubbles into your simulated stomach acid. As a byproduct you get magnesium supplementation which we balance with calcium and vit D, C, K2 and then boost with tumeric/black-pepper extract and iron/zinc to support mood and optimal bodily function.
We are in preseed stage for Solquatica. By making “purchasing” the HCT capsules, you are on the front lines of crowd funding monumental world changing! On Amazon, similar but 4x inferior products sell for nearly double the amount. But here, I artisanally crafted it using my passion and am willing to do sliding scale or help special cases if I can; please reach out via our email: david@solquatica.com
I am also open to collaborative “discounts” for those willing to do bloodwork to give me feedback. I also do high impact, holistic wellness consultation for more serious medical issues.
*Healthy-lifespan refers to years with relatively less pain, geriatric complications, and discomfort in the body.
These are my findings based on peer reviewed research with high size of effects but conventional medicine, by tradition, dictates that we need larger statistical sample sizes to determine accurate statistics before making claims. Thus, although I disagree with them, I must say the statements above are my own opinion and claims here are not approved by the FDA.